Our photo got into the final 25 out of 13,000 submitted entries

We entered our photo of a Giraffe into the Channel 4 Year 1 Photography competition. Out of over 13,000 submitted entries we are pleased to announce that it was chosen to be one of the top 25 finalists.

YR.1 was a major photography competition that set out to find an image capturing Britain in the 21st Century. Bringing together professional and amateur photographers from all over the country, YR 1 showed a huge range of pictures across various different media - from website galleries to national exhibitions, newspaper spreads to television programmes - in a quest to find out what photography means to us today. It was the largest ever UK photography competition

Photos were judged in five categories: Home, Work, Play, Beauty and Fame, and each category was judged by a famous British photographer. We entered our photo into the Beauty Category which was judged by photographer Elaine Constantine. As you can see from the Year 1 advertisement below, the photo caused a bit of a stir!

The awards ceremony was shown on July 1st on Channel 4, and a centre spread of the final 25 photographs was featured in the Independent newspaper.

Our photograph didn't win the competition, but we're proud it made it into the top 25. Incidentally, this now famous giraffe lives at West Midlands Safari Park.


An advertisement for the Exhibitions
featured in the Independent.

Please note - photograph is copyright SafariPark.co.uk

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